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Varicose veins in pregnant women

Varicose veins in pregnant women

Varicose veins in women develop especially during pregnancy. A significant portion of these heirs are 3-6. disappears in months

Swelling in the legs

Swelling in the legs

Swelling in the legs is quite common and affects one or both legs. The cause of edema on both legs is usually the same. There are many factors that cause payment.

Leg pains

Leg pain

Leg pain is often a harbinger of a serious health problem. These are usually vascular, nerve or joint origin. However, since these diseases are often confused with each other, important problems are seen in diagnosis and treatment.

Venous insufficiency exercise

Venous insufficiency exercise

Our veins are blood vessels sent by the arteries to feed the tissues and organs, losing their oxygen and returning to the heart. There are two veins in the leg, deep and superficial, and the most important feature of these veins is that they have valves that prevent the escape of the blood. The response to exercise differs in these people.

Varicose veins are not treated with leeches

Varicose veins are not treated with leeches

Various plants and methods have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of diseases until the development of modern medicine. Leech is used today in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases as in the past. Breeding farms were established to produce these. These leeches are used in modern health units in the treatment of many diseases.

Restless leg venous insufficiency

Restless leg venous insufficiency

Restless leg syndrome is a disease that forces the legs to move, characterized by pain, burning, crumbling, numbness, tingling, feeling of electricity, itching and burning. Symptoms develop during night sleep or during inactivity or rest during the day. The need to constantly move the legs seriously impairs sleep quality and adversely affects daily life.

Leg cramps venous insufficiency

Leg cramps are involuntary, painful, prolonged, widespread spasms that can develop in all skeletal muscles that develop at night. Cramps are seen in approximately 40-60% of the adult population and 7% of children due to various reasons.

. Livedo reticularis

Livedo retikülaris

Livedo is for reticularis. It is a vasculopathy with a blue and red-like appearance on the body, on the legs, on the legs, and the skin. Livedo begins with a spasm after a cold or emotional stimulation in the reticularist, and tissue oxygen pressure decreases. In cases of prolonged spasm, microvascular thrombosis develops.

may turner sendromu

may turner sendromu (damar damar üstüne binmesi)

Diagnosis of various health problems are made among our people and even treated with traditional methods. The most frequently heard of these diagnoses is the vein overlapping the vein.

Baker’s Cyst and venous thrombosis

Baker cyst is a mass containing joint fluid located behind the leg (popliteal fossa). There is intra-articular synovial fluid in the knee joint, which eliminates friction. Synovial joint fluid production increases due to problems such as joint inflammation, calcification (gonoarthrosis), trauma, meniscus or cartilage rupture.

Skin changes in vein disease

Skin changes in venous diseases

Some patients develop red or brown discoloration in the ankle area. While these are initially mild due to the effect of high pressure on the leg, they become more apparent in the coming years.

Vein thrombosis and asprin

Vein thrombosis and asprin

Drugs that prevent clot formation are used in vein occlusion developed due to many reasons. Initially, it is started with injections for 1 week, followed by a blood-thinning tablet (Coumadin) for 3-6-12 months.

Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism is when the clot formed in systemic veins, especially the leg veins, comes circulating and can not cause obstruction in the lung arteries. Less common causes of embolism include adipose tissue, tumor, air.

Pregnancy and thrombosis

The tendency for coagulation in the veins (venous) during pregnancy and postpartum period and associated pulmonary embolism (throwing the clot from the leg to the lung) increases tremendously.

Birth control pill and thrombosis

Birth control pill and thrombosis

Thromboembolic events related to the use of birth control (oral contraceptive) drugs are quite common. Estrogen and progesterone hormones in them increase the risk of thromboembolism by 4 times in normal individuals.

Deep venous insufficiency surgery

The clean blood that our arteries take to tissues and organs is returned to the heart with veins (venous). There are two vein systems in the leg, superficial and deep. The deep vein system carries 90% of the rotating blood. These veins contain valves that prevent blood from escaping only, which ensures the flow of blood to the heart. Venous insufficiency is called when these valves reclaim blood.

Deep and superficial venous insufficiency

In 20% of patients with varicose veins due to superficial vein leaks, deep leakage was also detected. After treatment for superficial balls in these patients, the fate of deep leakage has been evaluated by various studies.


Pıhtı oluşumu ve yıkımı arasındaki normal denge, anormal pıhtı oluşumuna yol açan belirli genetik veya kazanılmış kusurların varlığı ile değişebilir. Pıhtı oluşumu ve yıkımı süreçlerinin patolojik olma nedenleri kan damarı hasarı, venöz staz (vendeki kanın hareketsiz kalması) ve pıhtılaşma bozukluklarının dahil olduğu anormal pıhtı oluşumu ile ilgilidir.

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